Benefits of Personalized Medical Care

Direct communication during office hours.

When you call my office during office hours there will be no recording to navigate only real people to take your call, with a real concern for your health and well-being.

Calling the office during office hours receives a prompt reply should we be occupied during your call. If you deem your problem “urgent” I will make every effort to speak to you at the time of your call.

Convenient EMR portal communication for non-urgent health issues or questions.

Non-urgent messages should be sent through our patient portal using its secure messaging system. This is an efficient way for us to communicate. You will receive a prompt response (usually within 24 hours). Your patient portal is the best way to communicate securely and confidentially.

Little or no office waiting room time, and longer appointments.

Office visits will start promptly. Appointments will generally be scheduled for approximately 30 minutes; some appointments such as the Annual Visit which includes the Comprehensive Health Assessment Module (a.k.a. CHAMp Session) will be scheduled for approximately 90 minutes.

Strong focus on preventive medicine and long-term health and wellness.

As part of my commitment to your long-term health and wellness, my philosophy is to educate you about the importance of fitness, weight management and healthy living. In addition to the clinical services I already offer through my practice, I will assist you to identify and evaluate wellness providers and offerings.

Personalized hospital care.

Should you need to be hospitalized, I will make myself available when I can, to communicate with you and to serve as an advocate on your behalf, even when you are admitted to a facility at which I do not have privileges. If you wish, unless hospital policy or protocol does not allow, I will do what I reasonably can to remain involved in your care.

After hours communications for urgent issues.

Our office phone will direct you to my cell phone after hours. This allows easy and direct communication for urgent medical problems that occur outside my regular office hours. I will use my reasonable best efforts to be available to hear from you when you are ill or injured, to coordinate your care. For emergencies, however, always call 911 first.

Independent or skilled facility care.

Should you need to be in an independent or skilled nursing facility, on a temporary or permanent basis, I will make myself available when I can to be involved with your care, through periodic communication with those involved with your care, on a case-by-case basis. I will also make myself available to your family to address any concerns and offer counsel, but ultimately the medical decisions are made by the clinician overseeing your care at that facility.

“Virtual” consultations and long-distance care.

Whether you are on a brief vacation, living some of the year in a second residence, or otherwise unable to come to the office, I will offer a “virtual” consultation as determined on a case-by-case basis, at my discretion and subject to applicable state law requirements.

However, if in my judgment, you need to be seen by a local physician, you will be encouraged by me to seek medical attention. I will communicate with you directly, as well as with your treating physician as needed, to support the coordination of your care on health issues that may arise.

Care for visiting relatives and/or friends.

Should your out-of-town family or friends become ill during a short visit to the area, I will be happy to see them in my office and assist with their medical care for an acute issue that may arise during their visit. I will treat them as though they were members of my practice.

Guidance for specialist visits.

When urgent issues arise, our practice will have time to assist in coordinating visits with subspecialists and in some cases set up the appointment for you. Nothing beats top-notch communication between physicians. When complicated issues arise, I will do my best to speak directly with your subspecialist, help quarterback your care, and be an additional voice and resource to help you understand and navigate the issues. This is offered on a case-by-case basis, at my discretion.